80th anniversary of the Liberation of Provins - Exhibition




Centre Culturel et Sportif de Saint-Ayoul
10 rue du Général Delort

77160 Provins

01 60 52 20 00




As part of the 80th anniversary of the Liberation and the "Mission Libération" national event, the town of Provins is unveiling a major exhibition retracing the various stages of the Second World War in the Provinois area.

Unpublished and original archives will illustrate and bring to life this major exhibition retracing this indissociable period in our history:

> Presentation of 60 to 70 panels illustrated with period photographs:
the start of the war, the Battle of Provins, the exodus of the people of Provins, daily life under the Occupation, the STO, the Resistance and the Resistance fighters, repression (arrests, deportations and roundups), testimonies from the people of Provins under the Occupation, the arrival of the Americans, the Liberation, the installation of the Resistance Council and then the new Municipal Council...

> Exceptional retrospective of original propaganda posters produced by Vichy and the Occupation Forces from the Provins municipal archives and private archives.

> Exhibition of period and everyday objects collected following an appeal to the residents of Provins and the surrounding area.

> Screening of two films:
- the first, a documentary aimed particularly at young people, was made by students at the Lycée Thibaut de Champagne as part of the "Concours national de la Résistance 2023":
- The second, made up of previously unseen footage, was edited with extracts from period films made at the time of the collapse of the German forces and the parades during the Liberation of Provins.

> Reconstructions of historical scenes in the form of sound dioramas.

An exhibition catalogue for the general public will be published and put on sale (only in French).
Richly illustrated, it will include all the documents on display, placed in their historical context.


Free entry.


From 28/08 to 15/09/2024, daily between 10 am and 6 pm.


Centre Culturel et Sportif de Saint-Ayoul
10 rue du Général Delort
77160 Provins

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